Week 7 Review & Reflection
Review and Reflections These 7 weeks flew by in the blink of an eye.. Through primary research (store visits), I have learnt and understood first hand how details on garments are constructed and recognized the different kinds of unique details in high-end labels. By doing secondary research (websites, apps and books), I gained more exposure to the different kinds of details on garments all over the world and learnt about the numerous fashion vocabulary. Last but not least, observational drawings and drawing flats are the most vital I feel, as they really allow me to understand where certain seams/stitch/darts are suppose to be placed and how I can apply these details to my own designs. Furthermore, it made me realise how important it is to illustrate clearly to ease in communicating my ideas on a garment. So really, practice is important. Group Collection: Design of a collection using details my group found from Ion Orchard To complete our final blog, my group ...